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RPG: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines ~ Sure, the game isn't too great right out of the box. But, once you add in the Community Patches, the game becomes superb. A modern day semi-open world vampire RPG, and the only game to capture the true essence of what attracts so many of us to vampires (in my opinion.)
MMORPG: Final Fantasy XI ~ It has a brilliantly written story, well-done cutscenes, tons of job options, a unique and much better approach to grinding, and heaps more end-game content than ANY other MMO.
favrouite rpg ever would be Dragon Age 2, so hard to chose though
dragon age origins, mass effect 1&2, fallout 1,2,3 & new vegas, final fantasy 1&7, kotor, baulders gate, oblivionare all close seconds
never liked any mmorpg
looking forward to (rpg wise anyway) skyrim, mass effect 3 and dragon age 3.
Baldur's Gate 2 as the best rpg (aside from Final Fantasy IX) and mmorpg is without a doubt Tibia.
I am glad someone mentioning Tibia! But unfortunately it lost most of its glory years back ...
Which servers did you play?
Gothic 2: Gold
Temple of Elemental Evil
Ultima 7 (both)
Another one that *might* hit the top - Vagrant Story, i'm really loving it, still have half to finish.
I only play League of Legends & Counter Strike for my online fix, so i'll go with LoL for the MMO place.
Final Fantasy VII, IX & X
Dragon Age Origins
The Witcher is up there to :), and i haven't even got around to the second one yet.
MMORPG: Mabinogi and Vindictus, that will change once FireFall, continent of the ninth, and Guild Wars 2 come.
We're not including hack'n'slash in the RPG section right? If so, Baldur's Gate 2 followed closely by Planescape, Kotor and Dragon age 1.
And well...I guess I can say WoW as mmo..since i've never actually played other MMO's that much.
WITHOUT a doubt Knights of the Old Republic my favorite RPG ever and probly tied with my favorite game of all time Mechwarrior 3
It's so hard to chose just one, RPGs are easily my favorite genre.
I'd probably have to go for Planescape: Torment though. That game blew my mind around every turn, it's such a shame that we'll probably never see another game like that ever get made.
After Planescape: Torment, in no particular order: Baldur's Gate series, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series, Dragon Age series, Mass Effect series, Fallout series, Oblivion and Morrowind, Arcanum, Jade Empire. Probably more, but those are the ones that come straight to mind. Some truly great games there.
I've never managed to get into MMOs, I tried World of Warcraft on two seperate occasions and both times I really disliked the game, which is a shame.
In the future - Skyrim of course, is the big one. Otherwise: Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age 3, even though I don't like MMOs, I'm really interested in Star Wars: The old Republic.
I'm currently playing The Witcher and enjoying it, and looking forward to playing number two afterward.
RPG: tough choice between Final Fantasy X and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Both have beautiful soundtracks and great stories.
MMO: the early days of World of Warcraft when it took 12-14 days (actual played time) to reach level 60 were the best. Am yet to play another MMO that had me that into things.
I don't own many RPG's on PC. Only Fallout 3.
But hack n slash would be champions of norrath for ps2, arpg demons souls for ps3.
MMO: only played Guild Wars. Got addicted, quit, and am now afraid to try another one. I may cave and buy GW2 for looking so good tho.
i REALLY want to try the following games: Diablo 2, Baulder's Gate 2, Planescape, and Nox. However I don't want a physical copy of the game (i don't think D2 or Nox is downloadable), Baulder's Gate looks like i might not like the pause and play + party managing (I like fast paced games), and planescape looks fairly slow paced as well. Albeit i've never played an arpg where i had to manage a party so maybe i would like it. Out of those 4 which one would you all suggest i try?
Don't know if I can pick just one RPG though if I had to choose I guess I would pick Xenogears since it left a big impression on me in my childhood.
I don't play MMOs but I love me some single player. As far as the best RPG, for me it changes depending on what I am playing. A great RPG will suck you in and create moments. I have had great moments in Oblivion, but they weren't as good as the moments I had in The Witcher. I have had wonderful moments in KOTOR 1 but they weren't as good as Dragon Age. Right now I am playing KOTOR2 again but with the restored content and I am engaged. KOTOR 2 is my favorite version of any SW media. Its dark, existential, thought provoking and gives me the deepest understanding of the force via Kreia (SP) by respecting the player's intelligence. The restored content has pushed that game into an area that is uncharted for RPGs in my experience. Deep leveling where all skills/feats/powers have purpose if you build your characters right. I love turning my party members into jedi and I love messing with different parts in my lightsaber. Add the high level force powers mod to the restored content and you have a great RGP. I have an unarmed jedi tank that can deflect almost all blaster shots, a couple consulars who throw lightsabers when they are in between buffing...and I love rolling a sentinel who can hack/fix/unlock/disarm anything and uses finesse style fighting and force powers. Its like peanut butter and chocolate intercourse on a bed of money inside the gates of forgiveness...or something like that.
Those aren't action rpgs , they're tactical rpgs (except for Diablo, which you might like , if you liked Norrath). You say you like fast paced games, so you probably won't like the tactical ones. They're combat systems are more strategic, like a game of chess. You have to pause alot and give commands/position characters. Planescape has alot of reading and a great story though.I don't own many RPG's on PC. Only Fallout 3.
But hack n slash would be champions of norrath for ps2, arpg demons souls for ps3.
MMO: only played Guild Wars. Got addicted, quit, and am now afraid to try another one. I may cave and buy GW2 for looking so good tho.
i REALLY want to try the following games: Diablo 2, Baulder's Gate 2, Planescape, and Nox. However I don't want a physical copy of the game (i don't think D2 or Nox is downloadable), Baulder's Gate looks like i might not like the pause and play + party managing (I like fast paced games), and planescape looks fairly slow paced as well. Albeit i've never played an arpg where i had to manage a party so maybe i would like it. Out of those 4 which one would you all suggest i try?
You should try Vampire:Bloodlines, which is an arpg, but it also has very good dialog and roleplaying elements too. Possibly Gothic 1 or 2 (heard 3 wasn't as good) or Risen. Mabye Neverwinter Nights, you only control 1 character, but can have some followers, and theirs alot of great custom modules, even though the original campaign is nothing to write home about. .
It's a good mp game to team up with others and go out adventuring too. But you don't have a million kids running around like an mmo.
My most memorable RPG's.. Diablo 2, KOTOR, Vampire The Masquerades Bloodlines, Mass Effect, Baldur's Gate 2.. MMO's.. I really can't pick between Everquest, Everquest 2. When it comes to memories of the games.. Though I played a ton of time on WoW.. Even Warhammer Online for awhile.. But I just don't have many good memories of those games at times.
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