What is a good piece of software used to record your gameplay and then can be edited and what not. It doesn't even have to be edited, I don't mind people seeing me die.
The reason I ask this is becuase I've always been interested in capturing live feed from first person shooters among many other genres, such as RTS. Before I would hook my video camera to my computer and just record it like that, but I no longer have my video camera so I can't go down that route.
I just really want to make some short gameplay footage, and maybe even make a nice little collection of big battles for my own personal collection from either my point of view from playing in the round or being a spectator and just go through everyone and see the battle up close where it is on the map at the moment. I think it will be a fun little side project. And if I make anything that is worth others viewing, I will definately upload them to Gamespot for your viewing pleasure or dislike. I can only get better and critique it from other users being critical on my gameplay videos. As in, maybe tips of it would have been better if you would haev spun the camera around and caught that action sequence from this angle and things in that nature.
Well, thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this matter.
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