I was just wondering what your guys' takes are on the game rating system (in the US), or how other countries regulate game sales (I am really interested in other countries, so please contribute here).
My feeling is that the ratings are self-explanotory, its just that stores need to enforce them more. I mean, stores check ID's for cigarettes, pornos, alcohol, and all that other stuff...why not check it for games?
There is all this legislation being passed in the US and this big anti-game movement by Hippies Against Games ("HAG") headed by angry housewives and scared politicians, when there is already a decent system in place that isnt getting enforced. I think eventually all this will pass over (Hugh Heffner got a lot of flack back in the day, gun control did in the 90s as did rap music, now its video game's turn) but for the moment I am seriously scared that games will become censored or banned, even is the US.
Here is my proposal: If it says "M" or "AO" (mature or adults only), you check the customer's ID. Simple as that.
Anyway, please list your opinions and, if from a country outside of the US, please tell us how stuff like this is handled, I would appreciate it.
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