Just out of interest what are you fave game series?
For some reason I don't see as myuch in a lot of major game series as most people do, for example, I hate FF games, and as much as I liked the Half Life games once, I don't see much replayability in them. I think the Halo series is overrated, but I immensly enjoyed Gears of War, and can't wait for number 2. I also preferred GTA3 to VC and SA, and I think in SA there was TOO MUCH to do, and it got pointless.
The Zelda series has never interested me, but I love the Elder Scrolls, and the COD series is fantastic, apart from 3.
Games that I do love include Max Payne, Silent Hill (except 4), Resident Evil etc.
On a final note I thought Crysis was one of the biggest letdowns of the year. I played it for around 30 mins on all High settings at a decent res (with a stable FPS) and got bored and turned it off. I honestly think that COD4 looks better in comparison.
But thats just me, so tell me, what is your favourite game series.
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