What is this?
Have you ever wanted to verse your fellow forumers in a friendly game, but found it nearly impossible to organise and set up? Well the whole reason these game meets have been set-up is to give everyone the opportunity to battle it out with the people that they converse with on the forums.
So pretty much, every so often, we'll get a date and a time, and try and get as many forumers as we can into a game. You'll be able to see who has the skills to backup their arguments, and who is just all talk and no action.
But most importantly, it's all about everyone having a fun and enjoyable time!
What game are we playing?
WARRRGHHH! For this special Gamer Connect, we'll be playing the open-beta version of Mythic's new MMO, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.
So how do I join?
The easiest way to join the action is to join the specially created PC Gamer Connect Steam Community, which will allow you to not only get a reminder when the game begins, but also quickly join the game once it is started.
I'll also be in the steam community chat room an hour game starts, so hop in there and we'll be able to give more detailed information and also what server we will be playing in.
Also, everyone needs to make sure that their characters name has GS in it somewhere (etc GSCarlosnachos), to ensue that we can identify with each other in game. What faction we'll be playing will be determined before the game begins, in the chatroom, so if you arrive late and miss it, then tough cookies!
Finally, make sure your record your gameplay and send it to me (I'll give out the email address shortly before the game) to make sure that you get into the video which I'll create in the couple of days after the game meet.
I am from Australia, what time will it be?
Lucky for you then that I'm from Australia, so you already know the time! For everyone else, I'd recommend using a Time Converter site such as - http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tz
Also, if my timezone conversion skills are up to scratch, it should be 7PM PDT on the 11th (As Australia is ahead).
I'm late! What do I do!
There's no player cap in an MMO (well aside from server cap, but I doubt it's going to reach that), so if you arrive late, my ingame name, server, and faction details will be posted in an annoucement in the steam community, so just log into the game, and private message me in-game.
So what are we doing when we get in game?
We might try to do some public quests, or even just roam the countryside, heading into random battles with the enemy!
Can I let fly with the profanity?
Generally, it'll be preferable if you keep the swearing to a minimum. Honestly it doesn't matter too much if one gets through, although if every second word in some sort of swear, then we'll have a problem.
Also, we're aiming at a friendly atmosphere for the games, so some friendly nudging and gloating is fine, but really anything over the top, or harrassing isn't tolerated, and you will be kicked and prevented from joining into any future games.
Also, shouldn't really have to add this, but if you are suspected of cheating, you will be asked to explain yourself, and if it is deemed not satisfactory, you will be kicked from the game and prevented from playing with us in the future.
As long as you follow these three rules, then everything should be fine.
Happy gaming and if you have any questions, just post them in here.
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