[QUOTE="fatshodan"]You know the plastic merchandise crap that comes out with movies? Lunchboxes, pencil cases, posters - all that junk. I think games tie-ins go in with that crowd. Cheap junk. It's low quality, but it always runs at a profit, so it always gets made.
One of the most notable exceptions is Escape from Butcher Bay - but EfBB is also exceptional in that it isn't actually based on anything. It's an original, unique and legitimate part of the storyline and it serves as a prequel to Pitch Black. This may be a contributing factor as to why it's so amazing - instead of trying to make a game version of a movie, they've made a game. A real game that works as a game and doesn't try to blithely recreate as many scenes of the film as possible.
Yeah, Kotor and Outcast are two more examples. They do not follow the Star Wars movies at all. Both are excellent games. Ten times better than the modern SW-trilogy imho.
The biggest problems with all the tie ins that try to follow the story of the movie is that the film is two hrs long, while games should be 8 hrs or longer. That's a lot of time to fill up with gameplay. How the hell do you convert a 15 minutes long sequence in LOTR into a one hour long level? I've yet to see anyone figure that out. Filler in a game is never good in the first place, filler made hastily to make a dead-line (the cinema release date) is even worse.
Those two things alone are enough to ruin any decent game-idea. The makers of Riddick, Kotor and JK2 did the right thing. They distanced themselves from the movies and instead used the lore to make fantastic games that fans can relate to immediately, while people who do not care about the franchises can play the games without having to "relive" the films (that they might hate).
I have not played Blade Runner yet, but I believe that devs used the same approach to make it. Right, JF?
Yes, the game was made after the film, so was not trying to make the deadline (though it might have been around the time of the Director's cut) and, although the plot of the game clearly borrows from the film, it essentially takes that whole scenario and provides a variation on it with its own plot
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