I'm trying to get into a game of dow2 use GFWL but it wont let me log online becuase I havenent paid my xbox subscription which it is linked to. However I don't want to pay for my xbox subscription becuase I never use it. ...But GFWL is free... why should I be forced to pay for my xbox account to be able to play on a free service. It's like the PC version doesn't realise this and thinks I'm on an xbox or something. What a buggy peice of software this is. Does anyone know how to get round this? Thanks.
I think all accounts made on the xbox have to be gold, im not sure if they revert back to silver when you stop paying due to all the features (avatar etc)
There is a bug in the accounting system with Live accounts. Accounts that revert from paid XBL Gold to Silver XBL/GFWL are locked out for at least 30 calendar days after the last payment (or payment attempt for NSF transactions). I had this happen to me when I Cancelled my XBL account (I never used it, I activated it for my classic XBox and it was a waste of money for me) - I couldn't log into GFWL for a month (give or take) after the last transaction/cancellation. You could try calling Live support and seeing if they can unlock the silver level (Since its free), but I don't know how quickly that would be resolved. Easiest [and quickest] method is to create a new GFWL account.
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