There is actually an important destinction between Games for Windows and Games for Windows LIVE.
Games for Windows is just a stamp on the box that says "This game supports xBox 360 game pad". There are a couple of other things that a game developer must do to be able to put the stamp on, but they're less obvious. There is a list of this stuff on the Games for Windows website
Games for Windows LIVE means the game conforms to the Games for Windows stuff as well as using Microsofts online gaming network, which is a straight copy of xBox LIVE.
A lot of developers are going for this Games for Windows stuff because it's no real pain to do, but most seem to prefer to do their own online features and avoid LIVE like the plague because it is just that. LIVE is certainly too young to be any good yet but the idea is if you play xBox 360 and PC games, you can have one LIVE account and use it on both and talk to your xBox 360 friends while playing a PC game, and even play them with cross compatible games. So the idea is sound but I think developers are avoiding because you have to pay a subscription to get the extra features like cross compatible gaming. Maybe Microsoft will realise that PC gamers have had LIVE features for free for years on other services, and still do, and asking for money for their service is dumb, but you can never predict Microsoft.
Personally I've not had many issues with Gears of War appart from my save game dissapearing.
Have fun
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