*Please don't post here unless you have played MMOs, and please don't post unless you feel qualified to be a "veteran" in any MMOs.*
One Thousand Game Hours...that's a milestone. I've reached that level in probably two (or three at the most) MMOs combined, however the most I've played one is probably 500 hours or possibly more.
Now that isn't a lot. I wish I would have stuck with WoW longer and gotten further, and I wish I would have kept my Vanguard account open for a 9 month period in which I had it closed.
I just completed a tough quest (group quest, what else?) in Vanguard and probably spent around 5 hours on it. I feel like I've achieved some kind of zen mastery that nobody in the real world will ever appreciate.
And I had so much fun and can't wait to do it all over again.
Is this a first in history, when people spend literally 2 or 3 thousand hours on one game?? Imagine playing checkers, or chess, or any single player video/computer game that much. Perhaps with the card game Bridge it would be possible...or poker if you were a big gambler, but even then I imagine the hours would be more spread out over a longer period of time.
I'm on E-Harmony, and it asks about "hobbies"...I'm wondering if I should write "Vanguard", but who would understand?
Anyway, since MMOs are a new "thing", say, perhaps in the last 10 years, and the "hardcore" MMO players are still kind of pioneers in a liberal sense of the word, does anyone else feel that getting epic gear or any other MMO achievement ought to merit a place on a resume as a testament to a person's dedication and work ethic?
Maybe not that far...and I suppose the personal satisfaction a person gets from playing a good MMO for thousands of hours is a reward in itself.
At any rate, I'm rambling: Here's a topic for discussion: There are "Casual" gamers, and "hardcore" gamers...which when the terms are used broadly I think they mean a person who might play a couple of times a week versus a person who plays every night. But do the class of us who are pathologically addicted or obssessed with an MMO deserve a special label? Or is it more common for people to be spending thousands of hours on an MMO than I realize?
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