Some older games that need to be rebooted for a new audience would include...
Heretic series. The second game in 3rd person with blade-staff combat and all the acrobatic moves was just great (and sort of laid the foundations for some of the moves in Jedi Outcast), and I'd love to see a new game featuring Corvus. Add in some RPG-lite elements, such as increasing certain abilities over time, and allow you to customise the look of the main character (which you could basically do with the Heretic II Enhancement pack), and it could be great.
Eye Of The Beholder 2 - I spent many, many hours trawling the dungeons of the EOB games back in the day, and on a modern engine they could be revitalised. The story of the second in the series was the best (imo), so revisualise that one with all the menagerie of monsters, expand on the story and NPCs, and it has some great potential.
Ultima Underworld 2 - another decent RPG worthy of resurrection, perhaps using a style similar to Oblivion.
Betrayal At Krondor - the graphics weren't that good even when it was first released, but the story was great, and it's an ideal candidate for an 'Oblivion' style makeover (in terms of graphics and perspective, not necessarily gameplay).
Lands Of Lore: Throne Of Chaos - yet another old RPG that could be resurrected. I could just imagine battling a shape-changer now in a modern engine. It could be epic.
Blood - it was an FPS that offered something a bit different back in the day, and it would be good to see it resurrected, just like the main character.
Unreal - yes, we need a new game like the original in this universe. Bring back the Nali and those despicable Skaarj oppressors. :P
Outcast - not the Jedi game, but the one with Cutter Slade. It's a pity folded and couldn't make the sequel they had planned, but it would be great to see this fairly unique game reborn on a modern engine.
Daikatana - they could remake that it doesn't suck.
I would have suggested some adventure games, but I don't think they could recapture the humour and 'charm' of some of the old ones nowadays - they'd probably just mess it up.
On a side note, I still want a sequel to Rune. Great melee combat game back in 2000, and it had great multiplayer as well. Give us a Rune 2 for the 10th anniversary Human Head!!
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