That really depends on your style. Personally, I really, really, really enjoyed slashers.
But I'll just give you top 5s of most genres.
1. Devil May Cry 3/4: Devil May Cry 3 and 4 have absolutely incredible gameplay, consisting of the fastest swordplay I've seen since... Final Fight. Once you get into them, you'll be pulling off absolutely incredible moves. (Use a gamepad of playing on PC)
2. God of War 1-3: While they are remarkably violent, they have a truly epic sense of scale and are just really darn fun.
3. Ninja Gaiden: A great slasher that will have you twitching (and probably in tears) from its intensity.
4. Oni: Really great beat em up gameplay that's a throwback to Final Fight's, but the platforming is so bad you'll cry.
5. Blade of Darkness: Fun combat, albeit ancient controls that lack the ability to strafe.
1. Batman: Arkham Asylum: One of the best games I've ever played. Great combat, great narration, and even better technology.
2. Splinter Cell 1, 2, and 3: Each some of the best stealth games ever. 3 is the best, but 1 is the most original. Highly intense.
3. Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3, and 4: Really great mix of combat and stealth. Good but quirky stories.
4. Grand Theft Auto VC and SA: Really fun games. The mission design isn't that good, but the driving and such can be fun.
5. Prototype: Excellent combat, free-roaming, and movement. The story sweeps you along at a decent pace, and the game can be so much fun.
1. Starcraft: Easy to get into, difficult to master. Have fun.
2. Warcraft III: Best one, obviously. Can be fairly difficult, but fun.
3. Command and Conquer 4: Looks good, plays good. Nuff said.
4. Age of Empires: A great and really fun game filled with adventure.
5. Plants vs. Zombies: A really simple but very fun RTS that's cartoony and highly entertaining.
1. Mass Effect 2: While it's more shooty than RPG, Mass Effect 2 stands tall as a great game.
2. The Witcher: The excellent combat and great story is backed up by a great graphics engine, but it can get slightly boring.
3. Oblivion: Really good RPG that is fun to play, albeit a bit boring in terms of combat.
4. Fable: Excellent twitch based combat system that emphasizes blocking and such.
5. Dragon Age: Origins: While the combat is too simple, the rest of the game is great for exploration.
So there aren't many fighters on the PC. Well, I'll still recommend some that aren't on the computer. I'll name 3.
1. Street Fighter 4: On the computer. Really fun to play.
2. Super Smash Bros Brawl: On Wii. Great fun.
3. Mortal Kombat: Fun, but takes time to learn. Like a lot of time.
1. Prince of Persia (2008): The platforming is easy, but it's very stylish and fun.
2. Psychonauts: Simple, but very fun.
3. Wel..... that's about it for platformers.
1. Guitar Hero 3: If you have the peripheral, grab the game. And try Through the Fire and Flames. On Expert. I dare you.
2. Guitar Hero: World Tour: Not bad.
That's about it, really.
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