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PoP2008, barely played Oblivion, stopped playing Legacy of Kain: Defiance and Dogs of War after 5 minutes.
Edit: I actually have to also say Witcher as a few peeps reminded me on this thread.
Also, Star Wars Rebellion. I TRIED playing it probably 10 times in the past decade but I gave up as I could not understand the game. All I did was stare at R2D2 and 3CPO in a command center as they told me to click some buttons, which sometimes made me win a battles, and a lot of times didn't. Of course, it would have been nice if I actually saw the battles. They just kept me in the command center as background sounds of shooting and ships flying played for a few seconds before determing if I won or lost. At one point, I did - somehow - enter the battle mode which looked similar to Homeworld. The game then crashed, and I gave up right about there...
Yeah... I needed to vent that...
Grim Fandango
Both nwn 2 expansions
System Shock 2
Dow1 complete pack
Both longest journeys
Sam n Max season 2 eps 3-5
Lost planet
Shogun, Rome, Medieval 2
CnC 3
Jade Empire
Universe at war earth assault
Stalker clear sky
Coh OF + ToV
Dark Athena
Mirrors Edge
The Witcher. I played for about 15 minutes and didn't give the game a chance. I'll get back to it sooner or later
Currently, Crysis Warhead, the Penumbra Trilogy and SWAT 2 haven't been played yet, and I haven't given Gothic, Jack Keane or Giants Citizen Kabuto much of a go.
I haven't finished gta 4 and hired guns: new jagged edge. I have important things to take care of before finishing these games. O and Im waiting for patches that is one thing that makes me stop playing games.
Yeah Empire: Total War for me as well. I started playing the Road to Independance thing but never finished it. Started a global campaign just to go... :o ..... way over my head there. And Necrovision. I bought it but I haven't had a chance to play it yet. Trying to finish Wolverine, and I've been playing mp games with a few friends the past couple weeks.
Universe at War: Earth Assault is another one. I could never get myself logged in to GFWL, and I figure if it has achievement support I might as well use it. Still working on that one.
devil may cry 4 (finishing 3 first)
call of juarez (bought for 5 bucks, due to me being interested in the next title)
gta 4
vegas 2
Gears of war
Far Cry
Prince of persia's 1,2,3, and 4
COD's 1 and 4 (I'm actually just waiting on COD 4 - 2, before I start playing modern warfare 1)
NBA 2k9
Manhunt ( I just can't freakin beat this game so I gave up. It's a little too hard to me.)
Doom 3
Quake 4
I'm playing oblivion now so I just don't play anything else. It's just too much of an amazing game. I will stop playing it next week though and start on bioshock.
Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath, Sims 2: Nightlife, Act of War, Guild Wars "all of them". I intend to play all of them sooner or later, except for Guild Wars. My brother is into those type of games not me.
Here's my list - it used to be a little longer, but I just recently played through a couple of games I hadn't and I'm currently playing through Drakensang.
I think that's all of them from my list of games....I might have missed one or two. That's a sad, sad list of unplayed games. And to be honest, over half of those aren't even opened. Ever since my daughter was born I've lost a lot of time to game, but that's ok, I wouldn't want to trade the time back.
Most of these games I've bought cheap from at some point or I've found them at GameStop or MicroCenter. I probably didn't spend more then $15 on almost any one single game in that list - except Far Cry 2 (I only paid $25, my little brother paid the other half) and the new Riddick game that cost me $30.
*Edited to add info**
You guys don't want to see my list of games I have that I haven't beat, add another 20-30 games to that list. It's sad...I get going on one game and then I try something new and I never get back to previously played games. It's a bad habit. I haven't beat Neverwinter Nights 2, but I'm so close to the end. I've got a good handful of games like that. I just need more time and that's hard for me to get right now.
holy crap, get cracking !Here's my list - it used to be a little longer, but I just recently played through a couple of games I hadn't and I'm currently playing through Drakensang.
- Age of Empires III
- Assassin's Creed
- Boiling Point: Road to Hell
- Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
- Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
- The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
- Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
- Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Firestorm
- Command & Conquer Red Alert 2
- Command & Conquer Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge
- Crysis
- DarkStar One
- F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate
- Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel
- Far Cry 2
- Heroes of Might and Magic V
- Medal of Honor Allied Assault
- Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of The Betrayer
- Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
- No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
- Sins of a Solar Empire
- SpellForce 2: Dragon Storm
- SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars
- SpellForce: Shadow of the Phoenix
- SpellForce: The Breath of Winter
- SpellForce: The Order of Dawn
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Winter Assault
I think that's all of them from my list of games....I might have missed one or two. That's a sad, sad list of unplayed games. And to be honest, over half of those aren't even opened. Ever since my daughter was born I've lost a lot of time to game, but that's ok, I wouldn't want to trade the time back.
Most of these games I've bought cheap from at some point or I've found them at GameStop or MicroCenter. I probably didn't spend more then $15 on almost any one single game in that list - except Far Cry 2 (I only paid $25, my little brother paid the other half) and the new Riddick game that cost me $30.
*Edited to add info**
You guys don't want to see my list of games I have that I haven't beat, add another 20-30 games to that list. It's sad...I get going on one game and then I try something new and I never get back to previously played games. It's a bad habit. I haven't beat Neverwinter Nights 2, but I'm so close to the end. I've got a good handful of games like that. I just need more time and that's hard for me to get right now.
17" CRTs are horrible for gaming. I used to believe they are good, but honestly, they are no where near as good as a widescreen LCDchandu83YA THINK?! Probably why I am just replaying COD1 + UO and playing Battlefield 2142 while I wait for the monitor to arrive to really flex out my new pc's capabilities.
I got auto assault online for free from gamestop years ago but never played it. I don't care for online parts of games and I dout it has a single player portion of bots in the game.
I still haven't played Empire:Total War, even though I bought it about 2 months ago. I'm having too much fun with GTA4 and others.coulyLOL! Empire, obviously a triple-A title, was a day one purchase for me - and it's still in the shrink wrap. I also have Quantum of Solace in the shrink-wrap, and Mirror's Edge in the shrink-wrap, both of which I bought on sale for $20. I'll be opening up Empire on July 1'st, which is Canada Day.
I got Giants: Citizen Kabuto bundled free with my Sound Blaster Audigy that I bought about 5 years ago. I've never touched it.
Haven't played Abe's Exoddus, because I was waiting until I complete Abe's Oddysee first, which hasn't happened yet. Still, I've played it on the PlayStation so it's no biggie.
And Creatures, which was given to me by a friend from a long time ago, and it's just been sitting in the bottom of a drawer for the last 10 years.
I got Giants: Citizen Kabuto bundled free with my Sound Blaster Audigy that I bought about 5 years ago. I've never touched it.
Haven't played Abe's Exoddus, because I was waiting until I complete Abe's Oddysee first, which hasn't happened yet. Still, I've played it on the PlayStation so it's no biggie.
And Creatures, which was given to me by a friend from a long time ago, and it's just been sitting in the bottom of a drawer for the last 10 years.
What? What's wrong with you? Play the dang game! It was one of those ones that was revolutinary at the time of the 3D gaming just starting to really take off. Not to mention it was actually pretty fun to play.
My little brother lost (or broke, I never did figure out exactly) my copy of Giants: Citizen Kabuto years ago. I just picked up a new, unopened copy about 4 or 5 months ago for cheap to put with my collection of ever growing games.
Anyways, I enjoyed the game. You might actually like it.
Assassin's Creed
Fallout 3
Oblivion (1/3 way through it but haven't played in months)
Star Wars Republic Commando
World in Conflict w/ Soviet thingy
Beyond Good and Evil
Left 4 Dead (played for an hour a couple months ago)
Dark Messiah Might & Magic
company of heroes. I bought it of steam few weeks ago and i barely played it.
Right now i'm busy with the pemumbra ,race driver grid,kings bounty and various crysis mods
GRAW 1 has the single most difficult sequence I've encountered in a game in the past ten years. I think it takes place at the end of the 3'rd or 4'th mission. You're stuck in this plaza, at the end of the level, and you have to evacuate via a helicopter. Just before the helicopter arrives the terrorists swarm into the plaza and setup all around the city square. You have to kill every single terrorist before you can evacuate. This is a game in which you die if you take even one shot. At times, it's not a game, but a kind of simulation. I spent two weeks, off and on, trying to get through that one sequence - it was easily one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had with a game, but I loved the rest of it so much that I needed to get past that level. You should play these games. They're really, really tough. But they're also incredibly rewarding. You'll find yourself moving very slowly through the environments, like a real soldier, on the edge of you seat the entire time out of fear that at any second you're going to get picked off. These games are definitely NOT in the call of duty mold.graw 1 and 2
World of Warcraft: The Frozen Throne Command & Conquer 3 Cammand & Conquer: Kane's Wrath Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour Command & Conquer: Red Alert Yuri's Revenge Command and Conquer Red Alert The Aftermath Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun Firestorm Command and Conquer Renegade Day of Defeat Preyetmaul
World of Warcraft:The Frozen Throne ?? never heard new game :D
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