I was saying this three years ago, when we still got PC charts and seperate console charts, not multiformat charts which you see everywhere. Imentioned a games award show I saw 2 years ago that had six 5 minute vignettes about 'the history of games'- PC wasn't mentioned in any of them!
Gamespot reviewed 30% less PC titles in 2009 than it did in 2008. The average review for a PC game in 2008 was 78%. Last year it was 68%!
If a game is PC only, (Empire Total War, STALKER Call of Pripyat, etc) it hardly ever gets a video review, where as games on PS3 or 360 only do.
Nowadays, with video or written reviews, you are likely to go to the PC page of a site, see that such-and-such a game has been reviewed, and then on clicking on the link find you are taken to the PS3 or 360 review which may have one sentence saying the game is also available for PC. I saw many many more video reviews of Dragin Age, for example, that reviewed the console game and then spent 30 seconds on the PC differences, covering about 30% of the actual ifferences!
PC gaming is now second class. The reason PC game sales are 23% down at retail is that stores will now only carry 2 or 3 untis and when they sell will not get any more. Many stores will tell customers they have to pre-order as the store will only put 2 copies on the shelf.
There is also a bias against non U.S and small publishers of PC games, with a prefence by themedia of talking to Microsoft and Sony and getting all th info in one go, rather than having to deal with individual PC publishers. Hence so many great titles like Space Rangers 2 and King Arthur the Roleplaying Wargame falling under the radar!
I have been a PC gamer for over 20 years, never having played console games at all. I find this all depressing!
10-15 years ago, when many of these gaming sites and multiformat games companies first started, theywere game PC publishers/websites. They derived their income from PC gamers around the world. If it wasn't for all the PC gamers buying those deep, non linear open worlds games like Baldurs Gate and Neverwinter Nights, for example, Biowarewould never have had the money to make those multiformat'action based RPG's for the console market - sorry, the multiformat market! And so it goes with many other publishers. They have stabbed their early PC gamer customers in the back in order to chase the mighty console dollar, and have dumbed down and shallowfied gaming in the process. So much now that you'll find console gamers complaining about dumbed down games as much as you do PC gamers!
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