for those of you who dont have the pleasure of owning one, let me tell yoou that the iphone is a very good gaming platform. it is easily comparable to any handheld out today. it combines the screen quality of the psp, improves on the touch screen capability of the ds, has motion controls like the wii, and a hard drive like the ps3/360. if you are tired of carrying your cell phone, ds, psp, ipod and even laptop around everywhere you go, you should consider the iphone as an all around replacment.
as time goes on, the quality of its games is increasing, as more developers gain experience, and innovation. someof the games are old favorites like space invaders and pacman, while others are more innovative such as touch hockey, which is air hockey that uses the touch screen. even versons of spore and the force unleashed, have made their way onto the iPhone. however, some of these games cost $10, and the review system in the app store is based soley on customer reviews, who may not have fully explored the app, or didnt follow the directions. in fact in the beginning of the app store you could reveiw an app without even downloading it. i think it would be great if gamestop was the first site to offer their accurate, reliable reveiws for the iPhone games. i know i'd love to work on that.
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