Ive decided to make/ buy a gaming laptop, but ive got a couple questions, so please read and answer what you can, thank you!
1) I'll be connecting this desktop to my 23" HDTV, I understand i need a DVI to HDMI cable etc, hwoever my TV is only 720p /1080i. Will this still work and can anyone tell me what the quality is? VBecause many people say they have there desktop hooked up to there HDTV but non of them say they are 720 / 1080i. So all 720/1080i desktop users let me know. Thanks
2) QUAD OR DUO? Quad is future proof yet google brings up very little information and Duel cores have been out a while but will i need a quad to remain slightly future proof? I'll be going for an Intel CPU reguardless, but any suggestions would be AMAZING!
3) For graphics im not sure if i should go 2x 512 9800's or if i should just get a 1GB Card (maybe the GTX280), SLI sounds great '' WOW TWO GRAPHICS CARDS'' but looking at the cable that connects them both lol, im not very trusting of it.
Huge thank you for reading and answer some or all of my questions before you decided to post me a rig, here is what im'll be aiming for
Graphics ----> To be decided (question 3)
CPU ----> To be decied (question 2)
OS: Vista 64 bit
And all the needed cooling equipment
Im using www.Meshcomputers.com
and PC specialist.com
Huge Thank You
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