I am eye balling the Gateway FX Edition Laptop http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9172511&type=product&id=1218043606827
The Alienware m15x mobile gaming laptop http://www.alienware.com/customize/area-51-m15x-notebook.aspx?SysCode=PC-LT-AREA51M15X-AI1&SubCode=SKU-DEFAULT
Both are around the same price but one is more mobile than the other. Which is not too much of a big deal for me because I rarely play unplugged anyways. What I want to know however is. For the price which one is better. And I of course mean stock price for the alienware. With no upgrades and at its standard price with that it comes with. Which is the better gaming laptop?
The FX or the m15x?
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