I'm going to build my own gaming PC, so I made a public wish list on Newegg with what I was thinking about getting.
I already have a DVD burner, speakers, operating system, and a mouse + keyboard. I tried to go for the best bang for the buck here, I don't really want to spend more than what's there. One thing I was thinking about changing is the case, to this one:
It doesn't look lame like the other one, plus it has 4 fans instead of 1. But, it would be $33 more, with a 430W PSU instead of a 500W. Antec's calculator said the system would take about 305W at 90% load, and 339W at 100% load. But, it said it would be 407W at 100% after a year of use. So, would 430W be enough? I'm not planning on overclocking right now.
So, is there any 'weakest link' that would hurt the build? Or does everything look pretty good?
Sorry for the essay post, but this is my first time building, lots of questions :D
Thanks in advance!
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