Case: Coolermaster ELITE 335 chassis with 500Watt Coolermaster PSU (Black Design with Acrylic side window and red led fan)
Motherboard:Asus M4A78 AMD Socket AM3 ATX Motherboard
Processor/CPU:AMD PHENOM II X3 720, AM3 + 2.8GHZ 7.5MB CACHE Boxed With Cooler
Hard Drive:320 Gigabyte SATA 2 Hard Disk Drive - 16MB Cache - 7200 RPM
Memory:4GB DDR2 800Mhz Dual Channel Memory (2x 2048MB Module)
Monitor: N/A
Display Adapter:ATI Radeon 4870 512MB VGA Card
Software: N/A
Input Devices: N/A
Optical Drive:22X DVD-RW Dual Layer Drive
Multimedia:Integrated high definition audio.
Would this PC be able to run games like ac2 and COD 4,5,6 on full graphics
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