Once again, with my old test computer, and it's super slow 6200, I take on Gears of war. This game is notorious on every computer woth it's horrible lag and various bugs. i decided to test this one out just out of pure curiosity.
Intel Celeron 2.2 ghz
nVidia 6200 OC 256mb
2 gigs of factory ram
The game actually ran the exact way I expected, slow, but playable. In fact, it never at one time during play, dipped below 15 fps! The worse time in the game, was during the "Angry Titan" boss battle where I got a horrible 4 fps. I did get a full 60 fps out of the game a lot of times.
Screen Resolution - 800x600. 1024x768 and above are unplayable.
Post Proccesing - Mute, with the quality set to low.
Texture Quality - High
Character Quality - High
Aliasing - Was disabled by default and couldn't be turned on no matter what.
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