Man I can't wait. It's going to be so awesome. Played the 360 version; I LOVED the game itself, but the analog stick pissed me off. Especially on Live, it's extremely difficult to pull off a moving headshot. Another thing aswell, when your in cover and the enemy sniper fires at the floor, gets an active reload, then waits for you to come out, you can actually really easily avoid his shots and get up close. Mostly just by rolling and wall bouncing. This is mostly due to the constant lag on the 360 I suppose, but I think the slow awkward controls also cause hindrance. Anyways, when it comes to the PC version, if you think about it, every player will have 'host' because there will be NO lag. I reckon this will get people to use cover more often.You know, imagine how deadly the shotgun will be. Instead of getting out of cover and having them stupid little duels with harlequins and constant melee, people will use cover more often. I've never really understood why games lag on my 360, and not my PC. This might not be the case for all people, but nearly everyone I've met on XBL cries 'lag!' constantly. My ping on any PC game is ALWAYS low. But that's a different matter. What do you guys think? WILL IT OWN? YES! WILL IT BE BETTER THAN THE 360 VERSION? LOL, IMO, YES! You know, we get to fight teh Brumak and the new maps and the oh everything oh oh oh! I'm so excited. Building my PC soon (arrives tomorrow), so I CAN'T WAIT to play it cranked up high on my 19" widescreen monitor! Tell me if you people are excited or not!
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