You need to wait until you have a game you feel needs the upgrade, and then get the next big GPU release close to that game.
Hold on - before the "but why not wait forever?" people jump in. Let's take a look at Crysis. Now, if you bought an 8800gtx a year ago, and are now enjoying it with Crysis, you got your money's worth. If you bought it a month before Crysis came out "in preparation", you honestly wasted money - the 8800gt provides similar performance for significantly less money - going SLI with a pair gives you *more performance for the cash*.
So the right answer to the question is "do you have a game (or games) you're looking to get more out of?" If the answer is a confident "yes" then you needn't think a second longer, push the "buy it now" button and enjoy. However, if the answer is "no" - then wait. There's no sense jumping before you have a reason.
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