I'm well aware that this isn't exactly the place to post it, but Gamespot is a lot more active than most of those tech-help sites I've seen.
Now, onto the actual problem (if it matters, I'm running Vista 32-bit Home Premium and this is the actual card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133266&Tpk=PNY%20GTS%20250): the installation of the card itself went fine, and so did the startup. However, when I went to install the drivers and rebooted when prompted, all that happened was that it was stuck on a black screen. I booted into safe mode and deleted the drivers, all was well, so that's how I figure it's a driver problem.
I tried to download the drivers from the website, but all that happened instead was that the PC rebooted itself on start-up, then hung at the black screen if I tried booting into normal mode again.
I did some searching around, and I'm not the only one that has this problem (http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=100963), but I could find no fix for it. If anyone could help in any way, it would be greatly appreciated! =D
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