Adventure games get really harsh reviews on GS :?
That or most of them suck :P
It´s true,in general reviews of aventure games these days are quite underwhelming´s currently a very niche genre and you will only see the fans of the genre(like myself)praising them these days.
So,as far as Rhodan goes,although it scored a 5.5 here on GS,to me it´s a solid 8(at least).But that´s just me man,I trully love these games. :P
You can obviously try some classics,such as Grim fandango,Day of the tentacle,Full throtle,the Monkey Island series,the Broken sword series(or circle of blood in the US),Gabriel Knigth series,The longest journey and Dreamfall,Discworld series,Mistery of the druids,The midnight express and so on...
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