Pc, been playing a lot of co op games through steam the past few days.kris9031998
I got these yesterday: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826254004&cm_re=thermaltake_shock-_-26-254-004-_-Product They have very good sound quality, some people complain about them being uncomfortable but I didnt have any issues. They look awesome btw. Hope this helps. :D
Get a pair of headphones and a Zalman mic from amazon. Look at Sennheiser, Audio Technica, AKG, Denon, ect. Those are good quality, not headsets from gaming companies. Those are far from quality.
Headphone quality is directly proportional to your budget. A $20 headset might be inexpensive to one person, or cheap to another. The most commonly recommended set around here is the Sennheiser HD555, which is about $85 (a good price for the quality). So provide a budget, and we can provide a better recommendation.
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