Hey i got the ipod touch for christmas and i was amazed thoe if you do not have a pc do not buy untill you do or use a friends becuase when you turn it on it comes up with connect to pc and there is no way to bypass this i think.
so What is the power of this if i was to listen to music , what about to watch videos and then you know when they say the time it will last thoe they choose a brighness what is that.
+ dose wifi turned waist alot of power
+ what is the little black thing in the corner of the ipod
+ you know when everyone sais 16gb is sosmall i m gonna prove you wrong , becuase i have on there
492 songs = 1.3days = 2.07gb = quite a bit of music to have on your ipod and i could store another 500 odd and be total of 5 gb approx.
then with my videos : 6 videos = 10.1 hours = 2.68gb
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