Let me guess: When you got the dialogue options about what happened during the siege, you picked the one about the dragon first, right? I did that too and as it turns out that's actually the third act of the prologue. You're supposed to pick each dialogue option in order (still doesn't do much to make the game kinder to a beginner, but at least your first second of play doesn't consist of being engulfed by dragon flames while being jumped by six guards).
Anyway, the trick to getting throug the section with the dragon is to cast the quen spell (hit shift (I think...?), select quen, then hit "q" to cast). This not only makes you immune to all damage for a short while, but will prevent you from being effected by the dragon's fire breath at all. Also note that you Also note that you've got some bombs and traps in your inventory that you can use to wittle down the guards (and these replenish in each act of the prologue, so feel free to use them), and you can make more bombs by meditating and selecting the "craft items" option. Also make sure you're using your steel sword (not the silver one), and remember that you can dodge and parry to avoid/reduce damage.
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