I will never understand you diehard RPG'ers. DOnt get me wrong, I love RPGs like Icewind Dale, Fallout, Neverwinter Nights, Deus Ex, System Shock 2, etc for their RPG elements.
But why do I really love those games? For their gameplay!
And Gothic 3's gameplay was just horrible. Sure, it had awesome RPG elements that far exceeded Oblivion's, but how was the gameplay?
Buggy? Yes, even after patching (I know that people experienced bad bugs, but I can honestly say that I encountered very few, and I didnt even patch the game)
Unbalanced? Yes, especially considering this "hero" you play gets killed by boars ( You would only get killed by boars at low levels, which granted is a bit silly, but nothing compared to the scaled levelling nonsense that Oblivion had. What would you rather, a game that punishes you for straying from the path and forcing you to level, or the game that basically lets you complete the main quest at a very low level because all of the mobs are also low level to match?)
Poor combat system? Yes ( Completely agree. One of the sore spots of the Gothic series. But playing as a caster/archer alleviates a lot of that.)
Bad voice acting? Yes, hearing your hero go "rrrrgh nnnngh rrrgggh" over and over again and listening to people mumbling their problems to you. ( I think Oblivion's is just as bad, honestly. There's maybe 10 voice actors who seemed to have voiced the entire world. I think Gothic had a more interesting script, and more interesting conversations between NPC's.)
There are a lot of things I wish Oblivion did differently, but when it comes down to it is a better game because it does the important things well. ( I have to disagree here as well, because I think Oblivion offered an experience that was just easier to get into, but didn't really feel rewarding. Gothic created a much greater sense of roleplay, encouraged exploration more,and your actions truly affected the world. And for a roleplaying game, that is the important thing of all, imo.)
This isn't a personal attack at all, Mr. Bo, but I think we can agree that Gothic goes for the more dedicated RPG'er, one whos willing to look past the game's shortcomings to enjoy all the great things it has to offer, while Oblivion just really streamlined the rpg experience so that anyone could pick the game up and play, and not really be challenged. I love both games, but I really do believe that Gothic 3 is a game that deserves to be in any RPG lover's collection.
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