While I do find you might give up a little Thereal25, I also understand where you are coming from. One of the most valuable things a person has (no its not currency) is time! So not wanting to have your time wasted on mediocre games, and super tedium in a world where there is a surplus of games. To the point where you could stay up, no sleep, no bathroom, nothing just gaming and wouldn't get close to completing them all. More games come out at a time now than you can possibly keep up with.
I have done something similar as I realize my time is a limited resource. I have decided to skip consoles for a while. (might get one for living room for blu-ray purposes) but I just don't have the time to spend console gaming. To just focus on PC gaming cleared a bit of that up. (although we still have a few ps3 games to complete)
There have been so many games that get close, but aren't quite there for me as well. One of the last/recent games I played over and over that I though was just an amazing game was COD4: Modern Warfare. Ever since then every Multiplayer FPS has left me feeling "well this is cool, but its not a real step up from, or evolution of the fun I had when playing COD4 online."
I try to narrow down the games I am interested in, but it seems like every month there are a few more announced that I am interested in.
The big ones for me (out of the highly anticipated games) are Metal Gear Solid 5, The Division, Elite Dangerous, among a few others. As well as at least half a dozen indie titles.
I realize now this long as post served 0 to help you lol, but I think I feel you.
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