I havent played games in awhile but today and yesterday i started playing crysis warhead out of boredom. Yesterday I didnt notice anything at all and today I got to a part in the game where I was in a swamp and there was a ton of trees. Near the base of the tree there were black dots like on the bark it looked strange and definitely not right . It wasnt that bad and it was only on the bark it does not occur anywhere else in the game that I have noticed. Also it doesnt occur in any other game like skyrim or the witcher 2 on max.I play on a already factory superclocked gtx 580. I bumped it up to 850mhz just to see what it did and i ran furmark and 3dmark11 a bunch of times and I notice nothing. Also I am pretty sure the same thing happened when it was at stock so i dunno... Is it weird that it only happens occasionally on the fat trees? The card isnt overheating either it does not go over 75C. DAMN those trees!
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