Hello, just to get this straight: this topic was not made for fanboys to comment something along the lines of "OMG GTA 4/SAINTS ROW 2 IS DA BEAST! GETZ IT NOW!". I just need people's advice on which one is best for my situation. Thank you.
Now onto the topic. Rescently me and my friend have been contemplating on whether to get "Grand Theft Auto IV" or "Saints Row 2". The reason we were not entirely sure on what is the best to get is of our preferences. We are not looking for a great story line and detailed characters, however if we get bored of messing around we do want something to do. We want a game to have the most fun in and mess around. On the other hand we want to recieve descent performance from the game, in a sense that we do not want FPS dips or crashes. While we believe neither of this games provide these, we want to be sure. I hope you can provide us with useful advice. Thank you in advance. :D
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