I bet most of you wouldn't play your favoruite game franchises if the Graphics were horribly bad.. Graphics are important in a game, more so than Story. Now i am not saying good graphics = Crysis, but the graphics do have to be suitable for the game at hand. If every game was simply stickmen drawn with no transition between movements would you still play the game? nope i doubt you would.
diablo 1 and 2, terrible graphics (your limited to 800x600 lol) but i still play both frequently, and another one, the longest journey (1st) was a point and click game with bad graphics (not for its time, but today they are horrible) but a fantastic story....
so i guess i'm a story/gameplay > graphics kinda person.
No those games have good graphics.. for there time. If a game is old and the graphics represent good graphics from back then, then it still has good graphics. Heck i play alot of old games and still love them (Dungeon Keepers 2, Rainbow six and Ghost recon originals). Basically Gameplay >>>>>>> Graphics > story. But if a game came out today and had those very same graphics but a very strong story would you pay full price? no. All i am saying that all of you saying story > graphics is not true.. If it was stickmen and no colour, just basically like a 2 year old drew all the animation you wouldn't play or buy it. Graphics help involve you more in a story, they also help tie gameplay in by keeping it fluid and looking nice. The day that story takes the front seat of gaming i am out (Not including RPG's in this)I see your point now, but if a game had incredible "true to life" graphics but no story would you still pay full price :question:;). It sounds like your talking about a book actually, terrible graphics (or none lol) but great story. I personally would still take the story>graphics over the other choice, but thankfully games don't have as bad of animations as your discribing, and if they do then they certainly won't have a great storyline to them.
Oh, and diablo had pretty average (at best) graphics for its time, Blizzard was trying to not push the graphical boundaries so more ppl could play the game(s) on their current systems.
Edit: I was just reading your post above me and you mentioned TF2 and CS:S, both games i thouroghly enjoy, although i don't think either one looks all that great, they're more gameplay>graphics/story. So i suppose it depends on the game, and choosing say Graphics>Story or Story>Graphics doesn't really work except on a game by game biases.
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