Before reading more below this section, allow me to commend the person who initiated this Graphics Card Ranking. He is none other than J3r3my. This topic is very useful for us gamers. Let's also thank the people who continued this chart updated. They are NrGx, Astroz, TheSandman and Anth0789. We are not related in any way or another. I just repackaged this topic to help more people about dealing the choice of graphics cards.
Previous thread links to this topic:
... and currently this is the 6th / latest or maybe the alternative...
If you want some graphics cards' rank changed you must provide benchmarks or other evidence to back it up first. Then, let me know where it should be on the list. I will be the one updating the Graphics Cards Ranking List.
These are the brands that are included on the list:
Note: Try pressing Ctrl+F in order to find your specific video card faster.
- RadeonHD5970 OC
- RadeonHD5970
- GeforceGTX295 1792MB
- Radeon HD4870X2 2GB
- Radeon HD5870 1GB
- Radeon HD5850 1GB
- Radeon HD4850X2 2GB
- Geforce GTX285 2GB
- Geforce GTX285 1GB
- Radeon HD4890 2GB
- Radeon HD4890 1GB
- Radeon HD4850X2 1GB
- Geforce GTX 275 1792MB
- Geforce GTX 280 1GB
- Geforce GTX 275 896MB
- Geforce 9800GX2 1GB
- Geforce GTX 260 1792MB
- Radeon HD4870 1GB
- Geforce GTX 260-216 896MB
- Radeon HD5770 1GB
- Radeon HD4870 512MB
- Geforce GTX 260 896MB
- Radeon HD3870X2 1GB
- Radeon HD5750 1GB
- Geforce GTS 250 1GB
- Radeon HD4850 1GB
- Geforce 9800GTX+ 512MB/GTS250 512MB
- Radeon HD4850 512MB
- Radeon HD4770 512MB
- Geforce 8800Ultra 768MB
- Geforce 9800GTX 512MB
- Geforce 8800GTX 768MB
- Geforce8800GTS 512MB (G92)
- Geforce 8800GT 512MB/9800GT 512MB/GTS240 512MB
- Radeon HD4830 512MB
- Radeon HD2900XT 1GB
- Radeon HD4730 512MB
- Geforce 9600GT 1GB
- Geforce 9600GT 512MB
- Geforce8800GTS 640MB
- Radeon HD3870 512MB
- Radeon HD4670 512MB
- Radeon HD2900XT 512MB
- Radeon HD2900Pro 512MB
- Radeon HD3850 512MB
- Geforce 9600GSO 768MB
- Geforce 8800GT 256MB
- Geforce8800GTS 320MB
- Geforce 7950GX2 1GB
- Geforce 8800GS 384MB/9600GSO 384MB
- Geforce 9600GSO 512MB (G94)
- Radeon HD3850 256MB
- Radeon X1950XTX 512MB
- Geforce 7900GTX 512MB
- Radeon X1900XTX 512MB
- Radeon X1950XT 256MB
- Radeon X1900XT 512MB
- Radeon X1900XT 256MB
- Geforce 7900GTO 512MB
- Geforce 7800GTX 512MB
- Geforce 7950GT 512MB
- Radeon X1950Pro 512MB
- Radeon HD2900GT 256MB
- Radeon X1950Pro 256MB
- Radeon HD4650 512MB
- Geforce 8600GTS 512MB
- Geforce 8600GTS 256MB
- Geforce 7900GT 512MB
- Geforce GT 220 1GB
- Geforce GT 220 512MB
- Geforce 9500GT 512MB
- Radeon X1800XT 512MB
- Radeon X1800XT 256MB
- Geforce 7900GT 256MB
- Radeon HD4550 512MB
- Geforce 7800GTX 256MB
- Geforce 8600GT 512MB
- Radeon X1900GT 256MB
- Geforce 7900GS 512MB
- Geforce 7800GS Bliss+ 512MB
- Radeon X1950GT 512MB
- Radeon X1900GT Rev2 256MB
- Geforce 7800GT 256MB
- Radeon HD4350 256MB
- Radeon X1800XL 256MB
- Geforce 7800GS 256MB
- Radeon X1800GTO 256MB
- Geforce 8600GT 256MB
- Geforce 7600GT 256MB
- Radeon HD2600XT 256MB
- Radeon HD3650 256MB
- Radeon X1650XT 256MB
- Radeon X850XTPE 256MB
- Radeon X850XT 256MB
- Geforce 7600GTS 256MB
- Radeon HD2600Pro 256MB
- Radeon X800XT/PE 256MB
- Geforce 6800Ultra/EE 256MB
- Geforce 6800GT 256MB
- Geforce 6800GS 256MB
- Radeon X800XL 256MB
- Radeon X800GTO 256MB/X800GTO2 256MB
- Radeon X850Pro 256MB
- Radeon X800Pro 256MB
- Radeon X800GTO 256MB
- Geforce 6800GS AGP 256MB
- Chrome 440GTX 256MB
- Geforce 9400GT 512MB
- Geforce GT 210 512MB
- Geforce 8500GT 256MB
- Chrome 430 256MB
- Radeon X1650Pro 256MB
- Radeon X1600XT 256MB
- Geforce 7600GS 256MB
- Radeon HD2400XT 256MB
- Geforce 6800 256MB
- Radeon X800GT 256MB
- Radeon X800 256MB
- Radeon X1300XT 256MB
- Radeon X1600Pro 256MB
- Radeon HD3450 256MB
- Geforce 8400GS 256MB
- Geforce 6800XT/LE 256MB
- Geforce 7300GT 256MB
- Geforce 6600GT 256MB
- Radeon HD2400Pro 256MB
- Radeon X700XT 256MB
- Radeon 9800XT 256MB
- Radeon X700Pro 256MB
- Radeon 9800Pro 256MB
- Radeon 9800Pro 128MB
- Radeon 9700Pro 256MB
- Geforce 6600 256MB
- Radeon 9800 256MB
- Radeon X700 256MB
- Radeon 9800SE 256MB
- Chrome S27 256MB
- Radeon 9700 128MB
- Geforce 5950Ultra 256MB
- Geforce 5900Ultra 256MB
- Geforce5900 128MB
- Geforce 5800Ultra 128MB
- Geforce 5900XT 128MB
- Geforce 5800 128MB
- Radeon X1300Pro 128MB
- Radeon X600XT 128MB
- Radeon 9600XT 128MB
- Geforce TI4800 128MB
- Geforce TI4600 128MB
- Radeon X600Pro 128MB
- Radeon 9500Pro 128MB
- Radeon 9600Pro 128MB
- Geforce TI4800SE 128MB
- Geforce TI4400 128MB
- Radeon X1550 128MB
- Radeon X1300 128MB
- Radeon 9800SE 128MB
- Radeon X600 128MB
- Radeon 9600 128MB
- Radeon 9500 128MB
- Geforce 6600LE 128MB
- Radeon X1300SE 128MB
- Geforce 6200 128MB
- Geforce 5700Ultra 128MB
- Geforce 5700 128MB
- Geforce 7300GS 128MB
- Geforce 6200LE 128MB
- Radeon X550 128MB
- Geforce 5600Ultra FC 128MB
- Geforce 5600Ultra 128MB
- Radeon 9550 128MB
- Geforce TI4200 128MB
- Geforce 5600 128MB
- Geforce 5600XT 128MB
- Radeon 9600SE 128MB
- Geforce 7300LE 128MB
- Radeon X1050 128MB
- Radeon X300 128MB
- Geforce 7300SE 128MB
- Geforce 7200GS 128MB
- Geforce 7100GS 128MB
- Radeon 9550SE 128MB
- Radeon 9200Pro 128MB
- Geforce 3 TI500 64MB
- Geforce 5500 128MB
- Radeon 8500 128MB
- Radeon 9000Pro 128MB
- Radeon 9200 128MB
- Geforce 5200Ultra 128MB
- Radeon 9250 128MB
- Radeon 9000 128MB
- Matrox Parhelia
- Geforce 4 MX460 64MB
- Geforce 5200 64MB
- Voodoo5 6000
- Geforce 3 64MB
- Radeon 8500LE 64MB
- Geforce 3 TI200 64MB
- Geforce 4 MX440 64MB
- Radeon 9200SE 64MB
- Geforce 2 Ultra 64MB
- Radeon 7500 64MB
- Geforce 2 TI 64MB
- Geforce 2 Pro 64MB
- Voodoo5 5500
- Geforce 2 GTS 64MB
- Geforce 4 MX420 64MB
- Radeon DDR (Later Renamed Radeon 7200)
- Geforce 256 DDR 32MB
- Geforce 2 MX400 64MB
- Radeon SDR
- Geforce 256 32MB
- Savage 4
- Geforce 2 MX 32MB
- Voodoo 4 4500
- Voodoo 3 3500
- Voodoo 3 3000
- Riva TNT2 Ultra
- Matrox G400
- Radeon VE (Later Renamed Radeon 7000)
- Voodoo3 2000
- Riva TNT2
- Rage128
- Voodoo3 1000
- Voodoo2
- Rage128 Pro
- Riva TNT
- Intel i740
- Savage 2000
- Matrox G200
- VoodooBanshee
- Rage3D Pro
- VooDoo1
- Riva128ZX
- Riva128
- Rage IIc
- Rage3D
Xbit Labs
Toms Hardware
Hard OCP
Firing Squad
The Tech Report
Yours Truly,genemm
I hope you find this very useful and please help us continue this ranking list realistic and updated.
Now, is there anything to be updated?
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