Sup guys, So, again, in tried and true fashion, I've come again to the GS forums to ask another tech related question.
I've currently got a 9600GT in my main gaming rig (Yeah, I know...) and I'm going to replace it sometime this week. Here's the deal. I'm not quite sure what to get!
Currently I'm playing Crysis, Farcry 2, GTA IV, CoD MW:2, BFBC2: ME, ME 2, and a shlew of others.... Before the rampant fanboyism comments, I want to stay away from nVidia; as they have done me extremely poorly in customer service twice now and what a sales rep told me was a "powerful" card ended up being completely lackluster overall. Not to mention this, but I do not have an amazing way of cooling a GPU (it's nothing terrible, it's just not liquid) and I have been told that Fermi runs like a pancake griddle iron.
From everything I've read, the 5850 is an amazing card, but I've been told several things, and I'm just trying to cut through some of the "hype" and get what's best for my current needs -Is it true you can overclock these 5850's to amazingness? - I've also been told you can flash the bios of a 5850 to a 5870 and achive REDICULOUS OCing results? (Confirm/Deny) -I've been told that two 5770's run faster in many new applications. If I can overclock the 5850, which would be faster, a 5770 CF or a 5850 OC? -Would I be better off to just spend the extram bling and get a 5870?
Price range is looking to be around 350.
TL;DR version - 5770 CF/ 5850 OC/ 5870
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