I could make a miles long list of things GTA 5 could use, but I'll stick to basic essentials:
- Updated gameplay mechanics. The driving and shooting of GTA IV are pretty dated now, so hopefully Rockstar takes some inspiration from Midnight Club and Max Payne 3 to combine both elements, as well as improve on melee combat and bring back the fight club. Red Dead's fighting was basic, so hopefully they don't have to remove the fun combat of GTA IV to accomodate the driving and shooting.
- Improve the living breathing world aspect. GTA IV was revolutionary, but now its easy to find some immersion breaking things. Stuff like the uselessness of the fire department, cops taking suspects for a ride around the block before dropping them off, getting arrested being significantly worse then getting shot dead, etc.
- Online improvements: Obviously, they need to have more co-op and PvP maps and content, plus improve free play. Honestly, if they just add trains to the online then I'll be happy.
- MORE MINIGAMES! I don't mean dumb pointless ones like stupid bike deliveries in San Andreas, but take some inspiration from Saints Row and Red Dead. Let me gamble and do drug wars and parachuting stunt jumps and gang battles and all that fun jazz. Heck, let me do that in online free roam too.
- More mod support/PC features: I'll probably end up getting this on PS3/Xbox and R* will probably delay it for PC, but when it DOES come out I hope they can properly optimize it and offer crap tons of mod support. Modding on GTA IV at least exists, but I hate the hoops you have to jump through for it.
- More customization/content: Like, character/gun/car/house customization, all of this would also help the online portion.
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