I just put a new PC together and have been experiencing random freezes where I am unable to open the task manager and am forced to manually restart the computer. I opened the side of the case, put a huge fan blowing in and ran speedfan and noticed that my computer stops freezing even when I left it alone overnight. However, when I run a game like Far Cry 2 or Crysis it always freezes very quickly. The temperature of my graphics card (gtx260) gets to about 60C on speedfan. I am running:
Intel Duo E8500
4 GB (2X2gb) corsair Ram
Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3L LGA 775 Intel P45 ATX mobo
It seems like this is a heat problem but I didnt realize that my computer would completely freeze even with two pc fans and a giant fan blowing directly into my case. If anyone thinks this is actually a different problem I am overlooking, could you let me know? Also, what would you suggest as a good (preferably inexpensive) cooling alternative to purchase? Thanks!
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