Hi guys.
I got another Gigabyte GTX 460 1GB (brand new) from newegg.com to SLI. Tonight I discovered that as soon as I booted up my PC, the second GTX 460 would make this grinding fan noise. I nudged it a little upwards to see if it was just placed inproperly into my case and the sound would go away. So place it in again so the sound goes away.
The first game I tested it out with was Crysis. Ran beautifully. But as soon as I try Metro 2033, it crashes on the SPLASH screen, and asks me if I wanted to run it in safe mode.
I clicked NO, of course and exited out. I tried it again, to no avail. I decided to restart my computer and when I go to desktop, everything is in default resolution. And SLi isn't even available to choose from in Nvidia Panel like it was before.
Did I get a DUD, GPU? If I return it to Newegg, I don't plan to get a replacement. I'm pretty much done with multiple-GPU setup. It's just too much hassle at this point when I could just get a GTX 570 for much less than these two cards. Albeit I purchased a single GTX 460 1GB last year and never planned on SLi-ing two of these.
Any ideas or words of advice? Thank you in advance.
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