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It looks like every other MMO out there right now.
It'll be a comination of WoW and RIFT most likely.
Not that it's a bad thing. It's just not impressing me as much as I had hoped.
I think Guild Wars 2 will be good. All 4 Guild Wars campaigns were of quality and the multiplayer was even better. I expect no less from GW2.
The lack of dedicated healers and tanks is a good thing as to me, It causes dephendancy on others, but not so much teamwork, everyone just does their thing whether it is tanking healing or dpsing. There will still be healers though, just not dedicated ones. As a tank in WoW, my tanking was pretty much indephendant from the actions of the dps's (as long as they killed the boss before the healer goes oom), as long as the healer kept me alive, it did not really matter what the healer(s) did. Not to mention having a tank/healer/dps combo means that a threat system will most likely be in place that not only makes combat overly predictable, but is also highly unrealistic.
It looks like every other MMO out there right now.
It'll be a comination of WoW and RIFT most likely.
Not that it's a bad thing. It's just not impressing me as much as I had hoped.
Apparently you know nothing about the game. The reason it's getting so much hype is because it's NOT like every other MMO out there. It doesn't have even ONE traditional quest in the form of an exclamation point over the head, go do this for me, come back.
It looks like every other MMO out there right now.
It'll be a comination of WoW and RIFT most likely.
What makes you say that?
Anyway, judging from their past games, Guild Wars 2 will be fantastic.
A lack of dedicated healers/tanks/nukers does not mean that there won't be healers/tanks/nukers for raids, it just means that each character will be much more versatile - you'll constantly be switching between roles and adapting to each situation, which should hopefully make the combat much more dynamic and engaging than most other MMOs out there.
Combination of WOW and Rift? I've played both WOW and Rift and if the original Guild Wars is anything to go by, it plays like NEITHER. Guild Wars came WAY before Rift... Just wanted to point that out for ya. :DIt looks like every other MMO out there right now.
It'll be a comination of WoW and RIFT most likely.
Not that it's a bad thing. It's just not impressing me as much as I had hoped.
should be an awesome game. i've liked almost all of what i've heard so far. i'm excited for it! :Dstarwarsjunkyespecially since you don't have to pay for the game every month like just about every other big name mmo ;)
If Guild Wars 2 isn't at least average I will eat my socks. I was sold on the notion of no tank/dps/heal and dyanmic events replacing quests. Then you have Arena Net which is basically the only good developer of Online RPGs (Diablo clones excluded for simplicity sake).
Anyone who is not extremely excited for this game either has not done any research at all, or is not an MMO fan. I didn't even play Guild Wars 1, but even a blind man can see the crazy potential Guild Wars 2 has.
And that there's no "tank/heal/dps" will be the game's biggest strenght, as long as the alternative is implemented properly.
So far this game is looking great, I spent over a thousand hours on GW1/Factions, but quit playing right after the nightfall beta. I hope to see som GvG stuff as that was my favorite part of GW but never got a chance to do a lot of.
Good luck pulling me out of the game. My boss and I already worked out a deal, helped him with some projects which resulted in a lot of overtime but I get to take the entire week of launch off with little notice instead of the usual couple weeks.
Only enough to say this. There will be special shards opened for WORLD vs WORLD vs WORLD PvP. So that mean you will face against ppl you never met before in your realm. it will be pvp 5000 vs 5000.
I can't stop listening to the Norn Theme or Main Theme (everyone confused atm :()... keeps pumping me up for GW2!
Guild wars 2 unlike other "big" MMORPGs showed almost only in game footage to promote itself , in game regions , ingame skills and characters , minions and classes. Its pretty rare for an MMO to get so hype from ingame footage alone like GW2. It reminds me WoW pre-release. The more you were seeing ingame action the more the hype. From that alone i see GW2 goes strong , so strong will rock the mmo community. I hope the best for the game. It looks awesome , i hope its plays awesome too.AzatiS
Good point, very good point.
I dont know about you, but I think that the fact that they use actual gameplay footage to hype the game shows that the developers are a lot more secure about the gameplay compared to TOR. And comparing GW2 footage to say SWTOR footage, I think most will agree that GW2 looks a lot more exciting.
Think the days of 15 per month will go the way of the Dodo bird. Game will focus more on micro transactions or releasing alot of Dlcs/add ons.
Games like GW1/2 do it the right way, don't charge per month and release a big addons every 6 months giving you the choice to get it.
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