personnally i think that for all the new content you get nothing is more welcome than the storage expansion, and the build template saving, my verdict on the hallalujia! the new continents do bring a lot more to your game that is expected (armor, weapons, skills, etc.) the new professions are pretty cool (long live dervish! :D). the have been trying to boost the potency of mesmers and rangers as effective PvE party members though they are still rare to find. Assassins dont suck as much as the once did so now the sin community is divided between the have's and the have not's in terms of usefulness. there are now a second set of mini-pets for your second account birthday ( young gwen, bladed aatxe, mini-elf, scorpion, litch lord, harpy, water djinn, koss, palawa joko, fire imp, heket warrior, juggernaught, thorn wolf, mandragor imp, and wind rider), which are very cool in their own way. the lich lord is still arguably the best boss of the 3 campaigns, and many of the items once farmed like mad (greens, and rare skins mostly) have been made rarer to find so gl farming those ne more. playing with buddies who now have new camapaigns is possible although you can and probably will be left behind as they zip on ahead with new skills and better management of the old ones. thats about it...
 this si a small sample of the changes made but hopefully someone will mention the rest.
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