Well, first off - the Half Life marines AI is one of the finest examples of computer game AI ever. Saying only is missing the point. It is my personal opinion that the marines were not topped as a FPS AI until F.E.A.R in 2005. Seven years later. The rest of the AI was basic, but it came at a time when all AI was basic, making it, relatively speaking, as good as everything else. But the marines AI - woah! They flanked, they used grenades to flush you out, they retreated when wounded. AI did not do that back then. Half Life gave us the finest AI we'd ever seen, and that it was some of the best for so long is testament to just how amazing it was. HL2 offered nothing particularly impressive. It was all just... adequate. The combine were notably less intelligent than the marines.
Finest examples of computer game AI ever, huh? I admit they were good, but seriously, you are going a little overboard here. You are also a little fuzzy on what was AI and what was not. Did you ever try your hand at map making in half-life? Did you ever wonder why the marines were a lot less impressive in custom maps than they were in the official game? Sure they could keep distance, throw grenades and kick you when you got close but how innovative is that really? In the campaign you see them do some amazing things like running complex trails and flanking at certain times. Most of that was scripted, you see. Unlike alot of more advanced AI, those marines won't have a clue what to do if you drop them in a random map with no defined paths and instuctions. It's all good. The marines in hl1 were great, especially for the time, but don't confuse great AI with scripted events. It's much the same in HL2 except they have much more basic functionality. Hl2 NPCs can do most basic things on the fly. Hl1 was great at creating the illusion of intelligence. There's a subtle difference.
Firstly, arguing that there are too many weapons makes no sense. There's no requirement for you to use them. That they are there cannot possibly be considered to be to the game's detriment unless the game is balanced around them, which it was not. You didn't need to use them. That they were useless didn't matter. It did have a more run and gun feel, but the gunplay was so spectacular that I hardly see your point. That's what FPS games were back in '98. With the exception of System Shock and perhaps Thief (I would have to check release dates), FPS games were run and gun. Half Life just happened to be the finest example of it.
It's not an argument, it's a preference. We agree that hl1 and 2 have two distinct gunplay stiyyle. I just prefer hl2. It's slow, it's more methodical, it's more calculated. It has a smaller weapons election which means that each weapon has it's place. And constantly being on the search for ammo adds a bit of "survival horror" tension to the game that hl1 lacked. I'm not arguing that one is better than the other, i'm just saying that I prefer the hl2 styyle of play.
Did you honestly play it at the time of release? Half Life 1 had spectacular visuals. Admittedly, we had seen it all before in Quake 2 - but that's hardly the point. Beautiful is beautiful. HL1 looked amazing at a time when not many games did. And I don't know how you can call it dark. There were a few moments where you had to whip out your torch, but they were mostly in the opening stages of the game. While Half Life 2 does look spectacular, it comes at a time when most games look spectacular. That's why I said relatively speaking. For its time, Half Life was magnificent. For its time, Half Life 2 was just one of the finest examples of a huge number of beautiful looking games.
I still have my original hl1 jewl case and cd actually. Week 1 :D
I disagree with you on one thing
I was a Quake2 junkie before I played hl1, and Quake 2 was a more impressive game from a visual standpoint. In fact, hl1 always reminded me of quake 1, and that was before I discovered that it actually ran on a modified quake engine. I'd like to agree with you but I just can't say that hl1 ever WOW'd me visually. It wasnt like loading up Quake2 for the first time after installing my voodoo2. That was a jaw dropping moment.
HL2, just liek hl1, still did not impress me technically. However, artistically I still think it is one of the most beautiful games ever, I talked about a couple of my memorable moments in my previous post and I stand by that. The art direction, body and facial animations, the landscapes, they all provided very memorable visuals for me.
Trust me, i'm taking their respective times of release into consideration.
"In the end, I am always going to believe Half Life is the much better game, but comparing one masterpiece with another is not an easy thing to do."
I can end with that. Definitly :D
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