I'm reading the Edge review of Halo Wars, and all that kept going through my head was:
you b@st@rds! You killed RTS!
I was expecting this game to be a wildly different animal from the standard of PC RTS titles, but not only was it different (which might've in fact been a very good thing - novel, interesting ideas are just that: novel and interesting) it was just...I don't know how to quite say it.
Suffice it to say that this game has taken a regular RTS, like AOE III, removed the resource element, and made the whole game about the instant gratification of the battles (don't call me a hypocrite for liking DoWII - that was a highly TACTICAL and STRATEGIC game, very much unlike this game). But the whole thing is, its just so fricking TYPICAL, especially of consoles. They're not patient, thinking, more reasonable gamers - the crowd wanted action, and a helluva lot more of it than strategy. And so Microsoft caters to that.
Look what's happening to the games industry - it's changing. Consoles are pulling a little more weight here and there. The PC is evolving too and growing at a rapid rate, but it's moving in the absolute opposite direction.
I think that a comparison of Halo Wars and Dawn of War II, two games that are very much alike, have been recently released, are both exclusives, and are both virtually without an economy:
Halo Wars - from what I gather, there's virtually nothing there. it's a void, empty...dark...scary. Take a bunch of units, rush them forward. Perform the occasional flank. This game is about power, not tactics. THis might've been acceptable in the late nineties, but things have changed. Red Alert 3 at least provided enough variety in the units/upgrades/secondary weapons to make each and every battle unique, fresh, and challenging. A fast paced game of rock paper scissors - I don't see that happening with Halo Wars. All I can see is "Master Chief SMASH!" repeated over and over again.
Dawn of War II - "Get that Heavy Bolter in the building! Scouts in back, covering fire! Tactical Squad take the flank - assault marines with me!" that's the average level of strategy that you're getting in DoW2 - each and every one of your units plays a very unique role, be it suppression, assault, shooting, terminating enemy personnell, or wutever the hell it is they do. Although there is a lot of simple rush involved, if you don't take cover and think about your next move, your troops will either be pinned, or shot to hell. Either way, they die. So if you're not thinking...you're dying. Most of the time, at least (in my experience).
The reason I posted this, is mostly because I'm in outrage over what Microsoft has done to the RTS Genre, that so many console gamers weaned on auto-targeting and dumbed down, well, everything are going to get just more of what they've come to expect; fast action, little to no thought involved.
Let me know if I'm wrong, honestly. I just want to hear people's thoughts.
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