who here wants to rackmount their gamign machine? this guy did it.. now he has a cfx 6950 core i7 neahelm watercooled speed demon that would fit right next to any server or switch you can imagine
Its on a 4U case though. Thats not really all that impressive. Now, if he got a kickass gaming setup on a 2U or a 1U, then that would be seriously impressive.
Its on a 4U case though. Thats not really all that impressive. Now, if he got a kickass gaming setup on a 2U or a 1U, then that would be seriously impressive.
still pretty sweet i know i wouldnt try that stunt or for that matter make it as cool as that
It reminds me of this girl I dated awhile back in college. She was hot on the outside, but man, was she ugly on the inside.
I'm just kidding; looks like he's still testing. Given the amount of work he's obviously putting into the thing, I'll be it's one amazing looking rig once it's finished.
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