Has the almighty Blizzard taken a hit? The company that is so well known for releasing polished games. Lets face it, very few companies are held in such a high regard as Blizzard, however the Diablo 3 release has been anything but smooth... AH is still down, delayed RMAH, no commodity trading, servers down, HACKS, imbalance of classes, imbalance of gear drops, dependancy of AH to get decent gear, bosses not being hard enough and so on... IMO Blizzard really did kinda fail on the gear drops. The gear that drops for the level the character is playing is imbalanced. How could Blizzard mess up such an important factor as gear in Diablo 3 is beyond me.
Don't get me wrong... I enjoy the game. Its still relatively a good game. But up to Blizzards standard? No... and I think the almighty Blizzard has taken a big black eye with this release. How long has this game been in developement? There is no excuse for this game not to be DONE. What happened to the "Its done when its done" Blizzard? Ouch, a black eye indeed. I still love Blizzard, but I am sorry I can not keep my opinion of them in such high regard after this release...
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