I have had my 7300 GT for a while now and after having it overclocked with no symptoms for about a month Halo PC suddenly started having graphical anomolies. EG textures flashing and geometry flashing. Now if I play a very intensive game such as Oblivion or use the editor for it the game will either crash when I load a save game up, run for a bit then crash or run fine for the whole time. Now that it never runs for more than an hour I am sure that my previous overclocking hasmessed upsomething a bit. I disabled the overclock when my PC started not booting which was before oblivion started acting up. When it crashes I either go to the desktop, get a black screen and the rest of my PC keeps running or I get a blue screen with the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error. I have updated all my drivers to the latest versions. Can anyone tell me if it has actually gone?
It could be your drivers. I heard some people have problems with the drivers and the fix is to go back to one of the older ones and that fixed the problem, I would try going back to the drivers you were using before the problems and see if that works. Other than that i would just think that you might of damaged your card.
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