I currently use a 8800GTS 640mb. I bought a HD4870 about a week ago, and I am RMA'ing it soon in all likelihood. After moderate benching, I've decided that it isn't nearly worth a $300 upgrade with the results it has given me. Here are the results of my benchies:
Specs are E6600 (Stock and 3.0Ghz), 3GB DDR2-800, 8800GTS640mb/HD4870, Asus P5n-E SLI, Vista Home Prem 32 bit
At stock settings (E6600 @ 2.4Ghz, GPUs at stock) the difference between the two cards in five tests were:
3dMark05 9.3%
3dMark06 17.1% (8770 to 10583)
Half-Life 2: LC 2.3% (1680x1050, max settings)
Crysis 1280x1024 Avg 19.6% (all high)
Crysis 1680x1050 Avg 30.1% (all high)
Overclocked (E6600 @ 3.0Ghz, 8800GTS 640mb @ 640/955, HD4870 @ 790/1100)
3dMark05 8.9%
3dMark06 13.4% (10762 to 12425)
Half-Life 2: LC 4.5%
Crysis 1280x1024 Avg 22.4%
Crysis 1680x1050 Avg 19.6%
For Crysis and HL2: LC, the measure was average FPS. Crysis and 3dMark were the ONLY applications I tried where there was any discernible difference between the two cards. I don't know if it's because I'm on an oldish mobo or have mid-range specs, but that's what I found. Another thing to note that I've noticed with the HD48xxx series (tried the HD4850 too) is that they tend to have very low minimum frame rates. In these tests the minimum frame rate of the HD4870 usually dropped below the 8800GTS. Their averages are higher and their highs are higher, but their lows are lower. I didn't notice much more scaling with the Hd4870 than the 8800GTS when I overclocked my e6600, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't bottle necked much by my CPU a whole lot moreso than the 8800 (although I'm sure it was to a degree). After going through these tests, I cannot recommend an upgrade from the 8800 series to a single HD4xx card as of this time... Unless you're playing at 1080p resolution. That's when this card shows a bit of muscle. the HD4870 ran Crysis at around 31 FPS average at 1080p on high, which is solid. The other neat feature of the hd series is HDMI audio out. That almost warrants a purchase itself if you have a HDTV as a second monitor as I do. Lastly, this card runs HOT OR LOUD, the choice is up to you. at stock fan speeds, it idles up near 80C in a very-well ventilated case. at 30% it drops down to about 50C idle, low 60's load. However, any fan speed over 35% is VERY LOUD and pretty much sounds like a hair dryer. It does move A LOT of air though, but I don't like this. During the summer months when it is almost 80F in my room I'd prefer to keep the hot air in the case, actually, and dumping all of that scalding air out into the world is annoying. In the winter it would be great, though.
Note: I didn't OC past CCC's limit of 790/1100 (+40/+200) on the HD4870, but I have heard that the headroom on the core clock is pretty low anyway... and it was a diamond card so I'm sure they were saving the "special" parts for their XOC line anyway :P
Conclusion: If you have an 8800 card, you're better off waiting for the next wave of cards, even if it performed as well as website reviews would hae you believe.
Side Note:
This is on a fresh install of Vista and there are no driver conflicts. It's not a power issue, as I have a corsair 620 watt psu. The card wasn't overheating either. Another thing that grinds my gears about the 4xxx series is that powerplay doesn't work a month after its release. My Crysis frames, when overclocked, line up with the benchmarks from various websites stock, which is fine because they use fatty CPUs, but I don't understand why non-Crysis games show no improvement. There are only two other things I can think of, and they are motherboard related. I'm on an old bios (March 2007) and using PCIE 1.1. I have time to sort things out before my 30 day return window closes and I kind of want to see if a bios update would help, but my CPU overclocks with such ease and I'm happy where it's at that I don't really want to play with it and f something up... I've got experience with everything but bios updates :P. IDK I just thought I'd post some real world benchmarks from someone with a typical machine, as opposed to the monster rigs most reviewers use.
By all means if anyone has any suggestions to improve performance, I'm all ears :D I'm going to OC my CPU to 3.2Ghz tonight anyway. Otherwise this baby is going back. Darn Team Red's hair dryer for temping me in the first place :)
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