I just had a quick question. Recently I bought a new TV, and got a very expensive HDMI cable with it ($140). It was a Monster M100HD cable. Well, I've been doing a little research and trying to find some answers on Google but I didn't find exaclty what I was looking for. So for a test, I went to Wal-Mart and bought a $38 Phillips HDMI cable. I can't really tell a huge difference between the two, except maybe on standard definition DVD's.
Now, the question for you tech-savvy guys out there is this...when paying more for an HDMI cable, are you actually paying for the quality, or just the name? Because if it's just the "Monster" logo I paid for, then I'm going to package that sucker back up and return it for a refund. Also, if any of you are familiar with 120hz...does it make a difference in gaming? I've heard from some that it does, because it makes the game run smoother, and also from some that it doesn't, stating that games run at 60hz or 60fps (can't remember) and that you can't tell a difference. Anyway, any help is appreciated!!
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