i read your reply. i would be glad to answer ur "points" since i like to make things clear.
1.First of all stop judging because of the demo.
A)game demos are released so that opinions can be gathered and makes way for changes by the developers.besides i didn't say the game sucks. judgement is the sole right of the player whether he is a pro or not.
2. your laptop is crap
A) laptop with a GeForce 6150 is not crap. what about the Intel chipset ones? my laptop is for work only with occasional gaming.i actually praised the graphics engine for scalability, didn't condemn it. Did/do you actually read the words carefully?
3. FSS press released that a major patch will be available upon the day of release
A) in that case all the better for the game. i am pleased. i dont want it to be a failure. besides, i didn't mention the game to be buggy. Did/do you actually read the words carefully?
4. This is the 26th forum topic on the same topic, out of 400+ posts relative who hasn't heard your ignorant opinion
A) 26th? does that mean people stop posting their views because someone before him has done it already? what is this forum for then?
5. you shouldn't be gaming on a laptop period expecting Crysis like material handed down to you from God.
A) i didnt say i expected lifelike graphics on my basic GeForce laptop. i merely stated the fact that it ran well even on a lower chipset. i actually praised HG. same question again, Did/do you actually read the words carefully?
6. You weren't anywhere involved in the beta
A) so?
7. Like D2, D1, WoW, GW, L2, or Any MMO RPG Type, The Gameplay Experience Doesn't Pick Up Until 10+ hours of gameplay
A)you are right on this one. but still i feel demo is somehow important. i bought D2 only after i played the demo. the demo was sufficient enough for me to love D2.
8. If Your going to make such a have-assed judgement on a 3hour 4 quest tour, its probably better for the HG:L community that you personally not buy the game.
A)i didn't make an ultimate decision that HG is bad. read the last lines about my hopes.
9. Did You even check to See that This Topic Was Created over 26 times on this site alone.
A)refer to your own question 4. Did/do you actually read the words carefully? including what you write yourself?
10. What made you think that an Randomly Generating Engine Could Out Do Hand Polished Level Designs in the First place
A)i didnt say anything regarding bad levels.Did/do you actually read the words carefully?
12. This Game Was Under Rush Developement By EA
A) u yourself are saying that the project was hurried. usually good things don't come when hurried. now you indirectly imply that the game might not deliver ?think before you criticize.
13. Just Because Lvl 1-4 Was Easy Doesn't Mean Lvl's 5-50+ Won't Be
A) u are right.
14. Did You even think to read Beta Reviews or endgame material ex: GameTrailers.com
A) do i have to? are u saying that i give my opinions after i have read others'? where is the freedom of speech then?no one should do things based on others views.
15.It's Only The Beginning of the MMO,Starting MMO Content Always Changes
A) i didnt say anything about the contents or that it was bad.
16. You Don't Have DX10
A) so? will DX10 push up a game's ratings? this much i understand.how long have you been playing games?
17. You Were Running it On Low-Medium Settings
A) again, i didnt say the graphics sucked. i appreciated it rather.Did/do you actually read the words carefully?
18. It's Still Under Developement as We Speak Due to Patches
A)once sent to publishers, a game (or any product) is considered finished.October is the D-day of release and it is still unfinished? come on. patches come later as an after-sales-support. do u work for Flagship or what? besides i didnt say HG had bugs.
19. dude you really just need to....look around and actually think of what your doing, i view you as a troll your killing FSS sales and subscriptions. which is one of the important parts of MMO type gameplay. who's going to play if people like you keep running curious fanbase off?
A)if i wanted to demoralise the fan-base i would have said" don't buy the game. save the cash". i have been into gaming since 1997. where were u then?i know what i am doing. question is, do u?
20. If You Don't Understand what i'm Saying Scroll Up To Step 1 And Re-Read The List
A) true. i REALLY NOW dont understand what u actually meant to say. if u still unsure follow your own Step 1 & read my answers.
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