with 1200$us you can have a very powerfull pc, mine costs me only 900$can and i can play batman arkham asylum MAXED OUT 1680x1050 at avg 54fps
i can also play crysis maxed out at 1200x900 with avg 40fps, or any recent games in average beteween 40-60 all maxed out
anyway my rig is :
intel core2 duo 3.16
2g ram
ati hd4870 512meg
2tb hdd
22inch samsung syncmaster 2253bw
No you can't max out Crysis at that res, not even at high with that graphics card. I can only bump the res to 1680x1050 on Very High with no AA until it starts lagging. And my CPU currently works at 3.7, and Crysis uses two cores so they would be even faster than your CPU.
Since I had to put out the parts of my rig from my sig, my card is 4890. Reverting to old sig soon...
well, i can tell you it does, belive it or not...but i think it was more like 30fps not 40fps...anyway i dont have the game installed but otherwise id post a pic.i should also specify, i play maxed out but without aa..anyway at high res AA doesnt do enough for the fps drops
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