All interesting suggestions, but having played WoW till 40 on a pvp server, I found the pvp a rediculous waste of time.
There is no ability to gain anything from it (aside from the honor points or w/e), and dying equally cost nothing.
Basically, I am looking for pvp where I can actually gain something, through taking the other player's things he has worked so hard for, and where I can equally die and lose everything.
Unless you want to get into some cheesy free MMO's, nothing comes to mind from what you are looking for. Pretty much all the newer MMOs indeed give you rewards for PvP! (Age of Conan, Warhammer, WoW, Aion) You can not "loot" people, but you get points for kills and save up for armor from vendors. MMO's where it is gg if you die, and must start over with scratch is in my mind not very popular.
I am now playing AoC, and loving it! However, the PvP looks to be dead until 80 so, can't recommend that. Please do not buy Aion...biggest waste of 60$ I have ever spent, and the PvP is atrociously bad. I can recommend WoW, high population with PvP for all sorts of level brackets, although you will not reap many rewards worth a darn until 80. As for Warhammer, never tried but my friends have stated the PvP is pretty good, and you can start at level 1 if you so desire.
Pretty much any PvP in an MMO is going to be looking toward end-level gear though, just the way they are made.
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