Call of Duty 4 is always great. I've heard The Orange Box and Crysis are really good, too.
Halo/Halo 2 are both pretty entertaining, but I would probably get the three above first.
Oh, and Counter Strike: Source is always really fun multiplayer.
Don't get Bioshock. Imo, it's extremely overrated. Well, I guess you could get it, but only after you get everything else I've listed.
If you want a good start, probably get The Orange Box. I've played some of Half Life 2, and it's fun. I've heard that Portal and TF2 are both great. Either that, or get a good singleplayer game and Counter Strike: Source.
I guess if I were you I would start with The Orange Box, CSS, and COD4. I can personally vouch for CSS and COD4, and for Half Life 2.
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