So im trying to locate a game, that I have only read about once on someones blog like 5+ years ago.
This is what I can remember
Game was on the PC
Single player
I believe it was a 1990-1999 game, it could have been early 2000's maybe.
It was set in a european village i think
Basically you were tasked with helping the village, each day that passed things got worse. people I believe died, became sick etc
There were 3 different characters you could play as? 1 was a doctor. And which ever one you picked, the other 2 characters appeared still in the game
I believe there were 3 areas that were locked in the beginning, like an old asylum and 2 other areas (cant remember them), and you only got access to like 1 at the end of the game?
So you kinda fought a losing battle to help the victims that felt sick whilst investigating the cause and managing your own health?. The guy writing the blog said he was playing it and his friend was also playing. They were playing different characters, so when they compared notes of their playthroughs, they found that suspicion and conclusions where being thrown on each others characters.
For instance, the blog guy was i believe playing the doctor. The other 2 characters that could have been chosen were still in his game and its unknown why they came to the village. So his doctor found evidence proving it was once of these characters causing the issues.
Very vague i know. It was an obscure game to begin with, not a high profile release. but if anyone remebers it or thinks they know what I might be remembering id love to hear the suggestions :)
ive tried searching for the post I once read but cannot find it. My keywards in google are too vague to get me to it.
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